Game of Thrones Death Pool

Hey Champions,

I’ve been quiet because I’ve been freelancing a ton lately and that’s been eating up all my time. And instead of writing about games or comics, I’ve been spending my downtime playing and reading them just to stay current. But I miss writing things longer than a headline so I’ll get back to it soon, because I know all both of you are dying for my thoughts on 4 year old strategy games and 11 year old superhero games that came to the GameCube.

Today at lunch though I had some spare time and threw this together for the last season of Game of Thrones. Feel free to download these JPEGs (uploading a PDF on squarespace is a pain in the ass) and play along at home. Send me updates on Twitter (@gbloftus) and I’ll be sharing mine as the season goes on.

Happy Thronin’, y’all

Game of Thrones Death Pool.jpg
Game of Thrones Death Pool 2.jpg