The only thing I love more than comic books is the mid 2000’s, so I made a podcast that celebrates both. I learned a long time ago that people like the idea of these epic comic stories more than they like reading them, so I made a show explaining the biggest beats and the loudest booms that comics have to offer.
A fun part about that is the context, so episodes are accompanied with a breakdown of then-current events, Billboard Top 100 songs, box office returns, tv show premieres, and anything else I can do to make you feel like you’re staring at the mid-aughts right in the face.
It’s cool talking about the fact that Enemy of the State, a major Wolverine comic, came out the same week as Mariah Carey’s We Belong Together. My cohosts think so too. We work together every week to answer one simple question.
Were these comics good, or was I 15?
Sometimes I do really in-depth conversations about key comic stories, like 2004’s Secret War.
Other times we talk about about a movie, because it was too big to ignore.
Every now and then I get to collaborate with hosts of other shows for an episode.
When I’m really lucky, I get to interview the people who were making the comics. Like Sean McKeever, whose fingerprints were all over the teen/all ages line at Marvel.
Shortbox Summary comes out weekly on all major podcast services. Please check it out and let me know what you’d like me to cover.